
About Me

Having always been fit and healthy as a youngster, especially during my horsey and farming days.  As I moved away from that world I really missed that active life style, I felt unhealthy and unfit.  I sought to join a fitness centre in my local town.  I just loved the buzzy atmosphere and energy so much that I soon started to look for courses to qualify as an instructor.

In 1991 I gained my R.S.A (Royal Society of Arts) Certificate in Exercise To Music and this is when the fun began.  I soon had numerous venues I coach at from large sports centres, private health clubs, private schools and I also did corporate work.  I coached all areas of fitness from aerobics, conditioning, step and soon gained my B.A.W.L.A (British Amateur Weight Lifters Association – Leaders Award) to develop my career into the gymnasium.  I attended and presented many master classes, charity events and educational workshops.  I helped many others to become instructors, privately and as the Aerobic Co-ordinator at private clubs.  These were pretty mad and fun days, I become very passionate about fitness and health.

In 1999 I gained Fitness Instruction and Personal Training qualification which incorporated Sports Nutrition; I knew that Personal Training was a very productive way forwards for me as I saw many keen to improve individually and I was very enthusiastic to help.  I was very fit in these days, training myself to a high level, I started road running to keep up with my PT clients – didn’t want them fitter than me hehehe.  That is when my running bug begun, which developed into a regular 10-15km most days and competing in 10km, Half and full marathon events.  Once I tried a trialthon but I really wasn’t born to be a swimmer.

In 2001 my family and I immigrated to Western Australia where I had a few years off coaching to get my family settled.  But I was soon keen to pick it up again and decided I wanted to add more qualifications to my list.  I became fascinated with sports specific training and the huge benefits to an athlete to step them up to the top of their game/sport.  Cycling often became a big part of athletes training, either for fitness or within rehab so I became a National Certified Cycle Instructor. Also I knew Rehabilitation was a must, in my search for knowledge in this area I also added Sports and Fitness Massage and Remedial Pilates, which is giving me a huge tool box of knowledge to aid individuals in their training programmes.

Studying Exercise and Nutrition for Children was very interesting and helpful in my career; it’s very different coaching and training a child then an adult, both physically and mentally.  This has aided me to develop whole family units into a fitter life; training at the same time but specific in their own abilities and goals.



I live in a beautiful rural area in the South West of Australia and I really love coaching PT and group sessions within my area.  I live within a fantastic community, meeting the most amazing people, all of which hold different passions and goals. With each and every new client I learn more and more.  I have included challenges locally like mini triathlons, dualthons, running groups etc to cater for people who seem very keen to fit fitness into their lives.  I feed off and admire the already established athlete and just get the biggest buzz out of meeting newbies and changing their lives to a healthier one, showing them that they CAN do it.

I really like working with normal people who have normal lives, busy families, businesses, injuries, lacking knowledge and a purpose to train.

Back To Basics and Fitness for Life is what I stand for.

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