Welcome to Rural Fitness and Remedial/Sports Massage

Rural Fitness Flyer 2   Rural Fitness Flyer 1

To book an appointment either:-
Email ruralfitness@westnet.com.au or click the booking link.

Once a booking is made FULL appointment details will be emailed

(Im often in training or clinic so cant answer my phone)

What Our Clients Say

"After years of hard heavy work in hospitality as a chef and a mother of 5 I found myself over weight and my body felt broken.

Over the last 2 years I have lost 60 kg and feel great but I wanted to be strong and fit. This year I have decided to do something for myself.

In January this year I joined pilates as it would be a gentle way for me to start and strengthen my body . Paula has been a great teacher and has made it easy and fun. After a couple of months I have gone from 1 day a week to 2 days. Along with pilates I am also having massage treatment to correct my poor posture .

Paula explains all the muscles and why she is massage each one so it gives me a understanding of my body and enabled me to do exercise at home to strengthen my back. Combining pilates and massage I feel fantastic for the first time in years."

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IRONMAN Massage and Strapping

Nov-Dec 2024


IRONMAN Massage & Strapping

IRONMAN Massage & Strapping